Coach Mark Peters

Mark Peters has been active in the field of sports and education development for over 15 years, focusing on mentoring young people through their involvement in basketball.

Mark is a graduate of the University of California Riverside where he earned a full ride scholarship. He began as a walk-on player but was able to work hard enough to become a NCAA starter and ultimately he turned his college success into a professional basketball career.

Mark played professional basketball in Spain, Germany, and China for 6 years. When his basketball career ended Mark entered into the field of Education and Social Work.

He worked as an Elementary School teacher and also as a Social Worker for mental disabled adults. Mark also spent time coaching college ball.

Mark is married with 5 children that he and his wife Esperanza raise on their ranch complete with fruit trees and livestock. Mark’s wife is a competitive barrow racer and works in Education. Mark enjoys spending time with his family and watching his wife compete in rodeos.